As part of the Student Occupational Therapy Assistant club (SOTA), I was assigned, with two other classmates, to the activities committee.  Our goal was to facilitate club activities by organizing food and other accouterment to make the gathering fun and desirable.  We participated in numerous activities, events and projects throughout the program.  Below I have posted some of the reflections I have written on those experiences. 

Reflection on the high school presentation.

High School Presentation Reflection High School Presentation Reflection
Size : 45.003 Kb
Type : unknown

Assistive Technology.  Another class mate and I chose to research joysticks and switches and provide our peers with extra training on them.  Below is the handout created for that assignment.

OTA 1220 - AT In-Service Handout - with BJ.pptx OTA 1220 - AT In-Service Handout - with BJ.pptx
Size : 1045.162 Kb
Type : pptx

Cultural Project - Jewish

Cultural Project - Jewish.docx Cultural Project - Jewish.docx
Size : 20.759 Kb
Type : docx
Cultural Presentation.pptx Cultural Presentation.pptx
Size : 1314.421 Kb
Type : pptx
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